Sharp Thinking. Cutting-Edge Design.
MPC - Fast Facts Panel 2.png

Monterey Peninsula College Fast Facts Sheet

Monterey Peninsula College sought a dynamic and visually engaging “Fast Facts" communication piece that could effectively present a large amount of critical information within limited space. The content needed to include key details such as the college’s mission statement, a list of board members, Fall 2023 enrollment figures, student demographics, grant funding, and essential updates on revenue and upcoming bond-related projects. Their goal was to move beyond traditional designs by creating a document that was more vibrant, visually appealing, and on-brand.

Razorwire Design exceeded expectations by crafting a bold, colorful document that balanced aesthetic appeal with clarity. Through the use of engaging visuals, easy-to-read charts, infographics, and eye-catching icons, we transformed complex data into a compelling, user-friendly format. The result was not just a well-organized communication tool, but a memorable piece that left a lasting impact on its audience.

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MPC - Fast Facts Panel 2.png
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MPC - Fast Facts Panel 5.png